Topics: Areas of Interest
Submissions may include systems, methodology, testbed, modeling, evaluation, policy, and position papers. Research should be relevant to informatics, organization, and/or public policy in applications of counter-terrorism or protection of local/ national/ international/global security in the physical world and/or cyberspace. Topics include but are not limited to:
1. Information Sharing and Data/Text Mining
- Intelligence-related knowledge discovery
- Computer or cyber crime investigations and digital forensics
- Criminal investigative criteria and standard of procedure on Computer crime
- Criminal data mining and network analysis
- Criminal/ intelligence information sharing and visualization
- Web-based intelligence monitoring and analysis
- Spatial-temporal data analysis/GIS for crime analysis and security informatics
- Deception and intent detection
- Cyber-crime detection and analysis
- Authorship analysis and identification
- Applications of digital library technologies in intelligence data processing, preservation, sharing, and analysis
- Agents and collaborative systems for intelligence sharing
- HCI and user interfaces of relevance to intelligence and security
- Information sharing policy and governance
- Privacy, security, and civil liberties issues
- Intelligence-computerized community security and surveillance system
2. Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Responses
- Cyber-infrastructure design and protection
- Intrusion detection
- Bio-terrorism tracking, alerting, and analysis
- Bio-terrorism information infrastructure
- Transportation and communication infrastructure protection
- Border/transportation safety
- Emergency response and management
- Disaster prevention, detection, and management
- Communication and decision support for search and rescue
- Assisting citizens' responses to terrorism and catastrophic events
- Computer forensics and crime lead discovery
- Anti-fraud information technology
3. Terrorism Informatics
- Terrorism related analytical methodologies and software tools
- Terrorism knowledge portals and databases
- Terrorist incident chronology databases
- Terrorism root cause analysis
- Social network analysis (radicalization, recruitment, conducting operations),
- visualization, and simulation
- Forecasting terrorism
- Countering terrorism
- Measuring the impact of terrorism on society
- Measuring the effectiveness of counter-terrorism campaigns
- Crime intelligence and cyberspace crime investigation
- Immigration and security
4. Computational Criminology
- Crime pattern recognition and modeling tools
- Offender social network analysis (infrequent to frequent offenders)
- Crime generators and crime attractors
- Forecasting crime and the impact of crime
- Drug, gang and special crime analysis and modeling tools
- Data mining and data fusion of crime - urban databases
- Dynamic information systems analysis for crime and place
- Privacy and security in crime and justice system data
- Spatial and temporal analysis and software tools
- Law Enforcement decision support systems
- Cybercrime